Business Coaching
So What is Business Coaching
There is more to business than buying and selling “nuts and bolts!”
Business…..is any project that requires your input to create and sustain a worthwhile outcome for your time and effort, resulting in short and long term financial and emotional gains.
Potentially, ‘Business Coaching’ clients want to:
- Get out of their JOB. In other word’s – ‘sack the boss’
- Start up an online business
- Create passive income – through referrals, affiliates, producing and selling products online, property investing and the list goes on.
- Make their business sustainable without them – Time management, systemization and delegations are just three key points to look at.
Employ new staff members. Past experiences may have resulted in poor staffing choices costing time and money, together with frustrations experienced.

- The employer must know exactly what the new role will entail.
- The ideal employee must be a good fit for that new position.
- Additional insight is gained from prospective applicants after they complete the Personality Profile Questionnaire which is part of Jill’s coaching package.
- Equally, a client may be applying for a new position……a gruelling experience for some people. Underselling one’s own ability and worth is common place that usually reflects on how they play life….What ‘was’ is past, ‘what is’ is to be made!
- Brainstorming business ideas with a mentor….looking at: – lost opportunities – their competitors in the market place – all flowing onto adopting changes with a new directional thinking and focus
- Improving communication skills as the flow starts at the top within any business
- Embrace performance standards for staff members and their given outcomes
The question here is….
- Is your business working for you or are you working for it?
- Are your staff taking home more money than you each week?
- How much business are you leaving on the table through missed opportunities?
- Where will you and your business be in 1, 3 and 5 years time?
- Do you have a business plan in place, plus implementation strategies?
- What are your competitors doing in the market place?
- Who do you have on your team that supports your business growth?
Having strong competitors in your area of expertise evokes a healthy environment, requiring creative thinking with expanding boundaries – within a thriving market place

Where is your business currently at…….Conception, Starting Up or Established as the fundamentals around your role in your business holds the key to its success?
Michael Gerber’s book The E-Myth explores the ‘McDonalds Franchising’ model as a tried tested and proven formula when establishing and running a business. I am not promoting franchising here, far from it as you will read on the ‘About Jill’ page. It’s the systems and processes from that model that we can implement and learn from, for strong growth.
Gerber summarizes the three roles within any business. Each have clear cut guidelines to work within, regardless of where your business it at:
You may have:
- An existing business
- An expanding business arm of growth that you are working within
- A concept for a small business that you want to run concurrently with your PAYG position
- A 12 month plan to build an 80/20 business – 80% passive with 20% of your input time, thus enabling you to sack your PAYG boss when all is set in motion and happening.
Whatever your role currently is, or will be…..it is essential to identify the part you play within ‘Gerber’s’ three positions noted below:
- The Entrepreneur – The person at the top, the innovator and visionary that is always living in the future and not in the past.
- The Manager – The person that implements the Entrepreneur’s vision. They systemize the business and thrive on order whilst seeing forthcoming problems that the Entrepreneur may not. They also manage the Technicians.
- The Technician – The person that is the “doer” in the business. They are hands on, and are not the ideas person…. their focus is on the ‘how to do it side of the day to day running. They are the backbone of the business, and the majority of the workforce fit into this category.
Often a ‘single person’ or small business owner gets caught between these three roles, because the day to day running of their business is keeping them at the Technician’s level, juggling whatever ‘hat to wear’ that fits a specific job at any point in time!!!! Of course there is little time left to work ‘on the business’ and its growth.
‘If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business – you have a job. And it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic!’
Michael E. Gerber – The E-Myth Revisited
The word ‘Delegate’ doesn’t sit easily for many business owners because….the list of stoppers (within their thinking) far exceeds any real thoughts and follow through actions leading to growth and development:
- Any additional cost to the business by hiring another person is quickly flicked – can’t afford it?????
- Time spent in training up a new person is not to be had…there’s just no time for catching up and they may leave!!!!
- Trusting others to do the job as well as they do is a false stronghold that some business owners live by…..how restricting!!!!
- To delegate successfully, we need to firstly look at one’s ability to conceive a growth outcome within their mindset, because if they can’t do this, they’ll not achieve it in reality.
The wise words of Mal Emery – ‘Street Smart Marketing,’ come to mind (below) in this situation.

‘We are only good at 5% of what we do, and the other 95% should be left to those that are better suited to the task at hand than we are.’ – Mal Emery
Business coaching is not always about owing a business. A client may hold a ‘corporate position’ that’s both competitive and demanding. The spotlight is on input, delivery and results at that level, together with performance and measured outcomes from team members and peers. All of this can be very exacting.
Regardless of where you are at right now…….ask yourself:
- Q. At what level do you want your business to be at, five years from now? What achievements over that period are you proud to put your name too? Where do you want to be financially?
Because,…….you certainly won’t be the person you are today if you are consistently working on your bigger picture. This is what I call your ‘game plan,’ and regardless of what form your ‘BUSINESS’ comes in – you must think and act like a business owner to move forward….with success as your No.1 focus.
- Do you have a clear vision of your desired business outcome?
- Many people struggle to visualise specifics and:
having no vision equals no direction and no direction equals no ownership and no ownership equals a lack of commitment and follow through which equals another goal or resolution that doesn’t have a long-life span….
Results – frustrations, regrets, sadness, exhaustion and the list goes on.
- Don’t beat yourself up if your five-year business vision is blurred.
Contemplating five years on for many people can be a frustration and a waste of time if they don’t have a set plan to work with, or know how to implements one – let alone its worth.
The solutions…..is to keep it simple, and start projecting where your business will be one year from now. If this is still difficult, then start with your first quarter. Start small and build upon your vision.
- Q. Do you work with a clear step by step strategy plan to achieve your desired outcomes?
- Q. Does your growth strategies tick all of the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) guidelines?
- Q. Who do you need on your team to help and support your business and personal growth – (Note: It’s also vital that your head space is in the right place to attain a positive outcome.)
- Q. Do you refer back to your action planner weekly and note what has been achieve, then look forward to what needs to be completed that’s in alignment with the planner?
- Q. How much better or different do you want your life to be?
- If you are in excessive pain from your current situation then…..do something about it…..as only you can move on that one. You may be too close to the problem to be able to work on a different outcome.
- Do you have ideas and potential that you’ve keep to yourself for years? Is it time to break out?
- Q. Do you feel worthy of a different outcome to your current one, or are you frustrated and want more? (Remember thinking like a Business is essential when creating your ‘game plan.’)
- Our greatest ‘stoppers’ in life usually happen between our ears. We become experts at producing 101 negative reasons as to why we can’t change an outcome, rather than focusing on just one positive outcome that will open up the doors of opportunity.
The quality of your life is directly controlled by the quality of your thinking.
If you don’t know what you are working for, then how can you be working towards it????
If you want to reduce your time spent in your business whilst still building equity and turnover, then you have to do more than just ‘wanting’ this feeling of freedom.
There is an equation I often use, and yes I have used it in the ‘Property Page’ as well – because it is my ‘rule of thumb’ regardless of what type of business we are talking about, and yes property investing is business too.
Thinking X Action = Results
So check in here……take your current thinking and multiply it by your list of actions that you’re currently implementing…..this then gives you your current results listing.
Do you want to change your given outcome, and if so what needs to be done differently?
A defining point is….so many people consider that attending workshops, buying self-help books etc is ‘Action’ – it isn’t.
It is ‘Education’ and there is a very big difference between the two.
‘Action’ is all about getting out of your comfort zone, getting into the nitty gritty of growth and putting what you know into practice. This is where Gerber’s ‘Technician’ so often gets caught up – they just don’t have the time to take Action as their day to day existence on the treadmill – never stops revolving.
This step can also be a hard one for many people because of their self-belief. “I need to complete another course first” or “read another book” or “pay for another product before I take any action steps.”
Regardless of where you current thinking is at:- just starting out or building upon an existing business – you need a ‘game plan’ to move forward upon.
Action is not about jumping in at the deep end and regrets later. It is about creating a structured plan that gives you timelines – strategies – analysis – projections – looking at your competitors – the market place around you, and who do you need on your team to support your every move forward.
Action is when you start to implement these steps after completing your due diligence, but…….this is only one part of the equation.
It is vital that your self-confidence and belief in your own ability and follow through are ‘in sink’ with what you are wanting to achieve.
This is where personality profiling comes into being as it shows us our behavioural patterns, including how we have approached and taken action in the past, or it may be in-action.
To find out more about completing your own Personality Profile, email Jill at: jill.mcintyre01@gmail.com
In the past, have you fitted into one of the following patterns when making a business decision:
- Fly by the seat of your pants!
- Slow and methodical!
- Analysis paralysis!
- Flick from one bright shiny object/idea to another at the click of your fingers?
- Made decisions based on fear….what if ???? happens, or it happened in the past and maybe it will happen again????
My guess is, that many reading my input have experienced one or more of these points and concerns in the past, and each in turn have come with their own set of problems. To grow we need to identify the patterns that don’t serve us, and often we can’t do this ‘alone.’ This is where my role as a coach comes into being.
For many people, the biggest problem is that they don’t know how to embrace a new way of thinking as they’ve never been supported, or encouraged to do so for the greater part of their lives.
“‘We are taught WHAT to think, and not HOW to think in our growing and informative years, so where does that leave us as adults?’ – Andy Shaw
Should you wish to know more about Jill’s Business Coaching Packages, then head to the “Coaching & Packages” page or click on the button below:
What Jill’s Clients Say
Before starting my mentoring with Jill just over a year ago – I was lost with no direction or know-how around how to build a business out of property investing. I knew that property was the vehicle I wanted to move forward with, but was certainly lacking on the knowledge stakes to follow through. This all changed from one mentoring session with Jill!
Now looking forward a year, I can honestly say that Jill has become a huge part of my success, not only with my business aspirations and growth, but also in the areas of personal development, self-worth and confidence. My life has never been better.
I certainly am not the person I was a year ago – and setting up my ‘Project Management’ business, whilst building upon my other income streams is just a small part of what I have achieved under Jill’s guidance.
Josh BucklandOver time, Jill and I have worked on every aspect of my life – my energy levels, focus, goals, investing, business, work, staff, family, childhood, finance and the list goes on…..
Thank-you Jill for supporting me to get my life back on track!!!!!
In the process, Jill has become a trusted coach, friend and confidante. There is no topic that I wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing with her. She also challenges me to aim higher and be the best possible version of myself.
I decided to fly to Melbourne (where Jill lives) for our last session to have a few hours with her (from Brisbane). Such a worthwhile exercise, working on my role as a leader and the 17 staff that I manage. We reviewed my short and long-term projections, together with my implementation strategies on both a work front, and my outside business interests.
If you are considering doing coaching with Jill, don’t hesitate, act! You will not look back!!
Cath ThruppHi my name is Winston White, I’ve been a property professional for approximately 17 years and have been renovating, investing and developing property projects for the last 20 years.
From the initial ‘Taste Tester’ session with Jill, I knew I had the right person to take me to the next level – assertive, confident and empathetic when needed, and I feel very comfortable with her.
Three months into our coaching, I had the opportunity to join a real estate business as a Director. This required me to set up and establish a new arm of the business. Jill’s guidance has been invaluable – and a winning scenario for all concerned.
Unbelievable results. Jill has given me confidence and direction as sometimes I tend to over analysis, so it helped to have an expert in my corner who knows my goals, my personality and yes, my weaknesses.
Clarity and direction, together with a strong belief in myself is what Jill has given me. Our coaching has taken away a lot of the doubts that in the past has stopped me from moving forward. I am truly grateful and humbled to meet someone like Jill who loves what she does.
Mobile: 0416071177
I first met Jill back in 2012 when I was at a loss to know where to go career-wise. Within a short-time she managed to help me clarify my thinking, my approach to the part time position I was seeking, plus the outcome I was looking to achieve. Yes, I secured that job and still have it today.
In early 2016, I again turned to Jill for support. Needing help around my long-term planning, and specifically in the structuring of two new businesses that I am working on.
Jill has an enormous ability to understand what is required to get me up and running. She understands what my struggles are and offers nuggets to think and work upon, but most importantly – she sets guidelines for me to work within for growth.
I have found her help enormously valuable as we work on a number of different income streams. She keeps me accountable and on track as I tend to have all the ideas, but Jill brings them into my reality.
Should you wish to contact Raewyn, just send a request email to Jill.
Raewyn BlomfieldGrowth within any business comes in all shapes and sizes. It starts with an idea leads onto an outline a vision is created a ‘timeline’ is established strategies are implemented building a support team occurs, and the flow on opens up.
If any of this ‘Business’ page has hit an accord with you, and you wish to talk further with Jill, then email her on the link below.
Your hardest decision maybe in reaching out for HELP, and only you can work through that
Warm regards
Jill McIntyre
Life Business & Property Coach
Mobile: 0410639265