Coaching Packages and Products
So, how does coaching work?
Much has been shared on Jill’s style of Coaching on both the ‘Property’ and ‘Business’ pages. Individual coaching is very personalized and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’.
A ‘free’ intro talk via phone, skype or face to face is held between the coach and potential client, before moving forward. It is vital that there is a connection and commitment happening at that point between both parties, if coaching is to proceed.
What’s on offer?
– There’s two ways you can start coaching

1.Taste-Tester Session – A ‘one-off’ session.
The aim of this 90min session is to work on a client’s ‘game plan’ – to look at their life as an ‘overview,’ and to pin-pointing any patterns that have held them back in the past. Clarity, focus and direction is gained from this session, allowing the participant to move forward with purpose.
What is included:
- Personality Profile and Essay Results
- Preliminary Assessment
- 90 min Planning and Strategy Session
- Price on Application

2. On-Going Regular Coaching Sessions
You can move straight into regular coaching, which is where the majority of clients start!
What is included:
- Personality Profile and Essay Results
- Preliminary Assessment
- 90 min Planning and Strategy Session
- Open email access to Jill
- Between sessions – Jill looks for feedback and progress gained from the client… following through with accountability and commitment
- Price on Application

3. Your Personality Profile
So how would completing a Profile Questionnaire help you?
In a perfect world…..each of us would experience our perfect outcome!!!
Our life’s lessons shape and mould us into the person we are today, and over time each of us gathers habits, beliefs and patterns that don’t serve us, or our big picture ideas around growth and fulfilment.
The problem is….what we can’t recognize, we can’t fix!
By completing your Personality Profile Questionnaire, all is revealed in the relevant essay/s that reflects your results. Within holds lots of ah ha’s, BUT also lots of revelations on how we think, act, work, communicate and relate to other people.
This for some people can be confronting, as it opens up patterns that a participant may not wanted to recognize. Tapping into this sort of information is invaluable…..if you are ready and wanting real growth and direction as an outcome.
The profiling type used is the Beyond Success model and the results can be used on two fronts:
On a personal level to find out more about one’s own patterns and thinking.
To be able to recognize the profile ‘type’ of other people is a plus, albeit in a:
Personal relationship
In business when looking for the successful candidate to fulfil a specific role, or When looking for a Joint Venture partner in business or property – as the new person must compliment the personalities of those around them, or the work or role you are wanting them to fill.

4. Group Coaching & Workshops
Much can be gained from the synergy of working within a group coaching environment or workshop.
Jill’s mission is to tap into the thinking of every participant at her events – and days later…..they are still bringing specific thoughts from that event to mind!
Think back to the workshops you have attended:
The majority of attendees would not have come with:
- A clear focus on what they want to achieve from attending
- No idea on what they will gain from their time spent there
- No value of their own worth and potential – leaving it all to chance
- No follow up plan in place that will implement their learnings within the workshop environment
- Having no intentions of ever looking at the ‘copious amount’ of notes taken at that event
- No agenda is set regarding stepping up and mixing with people going places – or actioning a positive follow up
- No idea is had – that the participant is repeating the same old pattern over again…..’no input’ equates to ‘no change in their circumstances or outcomes’ – then they wonder….why?
A good leader has the gift to empowering their attendees.
To get them motivated and thinking…..moving them forward into taking action steps…..then following through with strategies – tactic’s – timelines – and yes, outcomes that they are proud to put their name too.
This is what mentoring and leadership is all about.
To enquire about Jill presenting at your workshops or events – in person or via online webinars or podcasts,
just email Jill at:

5. Subdivision Mega Pack Webinar Series
‘Subdivisions’ are just one of the many ‘value add’ property strategies that investors often look into, as a way of acquiring a ‘free’ block of land.
But….knowing the ’HOW TO’ around ‘WHAT’ steps are required to complete a Subdivision – can often bring up more questions than answers.
Together, Jill McIntyre as the Coach, and Matt Jones as the Expert of www.propertyresourceshop.com, decided it was time to share their knowledge and expertise in a ‘hand holding’ DIY 10 x Weekly Webinar program – each webinar stepping out the subdivision process from start to finish – with work sheets, audios’ real deals and lots lots more.
(For more on Matt’s story – have a look at Jill’s Property Page)

The secret to a successful Subdivision is in knowing what is required…..then to be just one step ahead at each point of the 12 Step Subdivision Process.
To help you make a start – Jill and Matt have put together a ‘free’ Subdivision Webinar where all of the 12 steps are explained.
But firstly….grab a pen and paper – there’s lots of hints and tips awaiting your arrival.
Jill McIntyre
Life, Business & Property Coach
What Jill’s clients say
Not only were you able to get to the heart of the problem amazingly fast, but then set a plan to move forward. I really do feel that my thought process has shifted and feel that my goals are in fact possible and within reach.
Even the distance between London and Melbourne wasn’t an issue. At first, I thought the lack of a face to face meeting might be an issue, but I really feel that we achieved everything that we set out to.
Jonathan WilsonYou helped me work on myself on so many levels – my doubts, fears, frustrations and other negative feeling that seemed to be taking over my life. I stopped making excuses and embraced what I learnt from you. You openly shared some wonderful contacts with me, enabling me to move forward easily and confidently.
Thank-you Jill so very very much. My life has changed thanks to the coaching you have given me. I refer to my notes regularly, as they are a wonderful source of reference.
Lorraine FitzjohnJill has the enormous ability to understand what is required to get a person up and running. She understands ones struggles and offers nuggets to think on, in order to untangle negative thinking and self-doubts.
This then enables a different way forward with a new focused direction. I have found her help enormously valuable.
Raewyn B. QueenslandI have to say that I have found Jill’s method of picturing myself living my goal has been the most effective goal setting exercise I have ever done. In the past, my goals have been quite well defined but I have always struggled to identify a course of action to facilitate the achievement of those goals. Her method has helped me clearly picture what is required in order for the goal to materialise, which in turn has aided me to determine the specific things I need to do to get there.
Vicki CarbanThanks to our discussion and your ideas I now have a way forward, and the confidence of knowing that I will have success with one of the properties we discussed.
We also talked through mind set and personal issues that are holding me back regarding: – family and my growth on a professional level. You have provided me with some tasks to undertake, together with a new approach when specific negative issues arise. I will be implementing these changes over the coming week, and look forward to updating you on my progress and continued improvement.
David HallWhen faced with a difficult decision, rather than waste time stressing mentally about the worst possible outcome, I now sit and write my ‘pros and cons’ list, in relation to the issue at hand. This gives me clarity and focus to move forward with ease. This simple technique is only one of the very useful tools that Jill uses to help her clients move forward, when problems arise.
Jill is personable, inspirational, knowledgeable, practical and has a way with people that brings out the very best. I always leave Jill’s sessions on a high and that feeling translates into successful outcomes.
Angie PJill’s workshop showed me how to add emotion and passion into my goals to drive me to do the things I must do – to help me articulate my emotional “Whys” in written form.
If your goals look like a Grocery List, then do this workshop.
Gavin Theseira, Perth