Property Coaching
Connecting your ‘Why’ and ‘How’ … you move forward in Property as you move forward in Property!
The two questions most asked of a Property Coach are:

“What is Property Coaching” &
“Do you tell clients where to invest?”
The answer to the latter question is easy, with a big fat “NO!”
The magical quick fix in property is not a five-minute wonder, but a long term sustainable outcome attained from knowing….with confidence:
So, what needs to occur, and what support do you need to move forward with a focused direction?
Where to look for a successful property deal?
How to apply yourself to achieve success.
Your ‘Why’ factor and bigger picture that supports you focus, clarity and direction – right to the end of a project.
Exactly When will you step up and take “Action”?
Who do you need on your team that supports you, enabling you to leverage your skillset?
What is your No.1 strategy you’ll be working on in your next deal?
The flip side to all of this is that your “head space” must be set up and open for business, as there holds the key to your Success……this is what Property Coaching is all about!

What is the Role and Commitment of a Coach?
The skill set of your Property Coach lay in their ability to find the strengths and strong points of a
Client, to build upon them and define and work towards given outcomes and yes, accountability is a must!
A new client may have:
A high degree of property knowledge but cannot finance a deal –find a way!
Worked on a number of deals but nothing ever eventuated –identify the pattern!
Unsuccessfully tried to cover all aspect of a deal alone -bring in the team!
Joined a property group with no definite direction –create an action plan!
Have property knowledge & experience but struggles to find investors to Joint Venture with –role play!
Great skills in property but can’t monetize upon them –identify their worth!
Poor time management skills –we’ve all got time…it’s what we do with it whilst prioritizing the importance of achieving a specific outcome, that impacts on our bigger picture.
It’s imperative that a prospective client feels “comfortable” and able to “connect” with their Coach, and vice versa. Experiencing a high degree of trust and openness between both parties is a must… when does this clarity start? It is gained from the initial ‘free’ consult session between both parties before moving forward.

A client may get to the feasibility stage on a property deal and stop, then turn around and repeat the same steps on another deal, and stop. Often, we are not aware of the sort of patterning that’s played out – the causes behind the so called ‘reasoning’ to stop – and the hold that those supposed reasons have on our growth and direction.
Fear can be another stopper…..
Fear of failure – fear of getting out of our comfort zone – fear of confrontations – fear of rejection, and oh what happens ‘if I fail?’
Identifying our ‘stoppers’ is 9/10’s of the law here.
It exposes our fears and limiting beliefs for what they are – which 99%of the time is unproductive and non-supportive to our growth. So, new patterns need to be established that support a very different result to the ones of old.
For some people, the theory around property investing may be there, but if their head and thinking space isn’t aligned, then the action steps required to create a new desired outcome, will not occur.

In a nutshell, all must be in sink to attain…….so check in and view where you sit with this simple equation:
Thinking x Actions = Results
Where is your Thinking (Check in on your last week and score yourself a number from 1 through to 10)
1. ‘Have been in a constant negative state’ – through to –
10. ‘Motivated, directional & positive.’
Then multiply your Thinking score by your Actions score (rate you action steps from over this last week – pick a number 1 through to 10): 1 ‘Stayed in your comfort zone and/or too much time spent procrastination and achieving little’……through to –
10. Ticking all of the strategy and ‘to do’ boxes, and am on a role.
Don’t be confused about what Action actually is……
Furthering your ‘Education’ is not an Action Step, so don’t include it in your Thinking X Action = Results score.
Education is when you: listening to podcasts – attend meet-up groups & seminars – watching webinars etc….
‘Action’ is what the word indicates – rolling your sleeve up and having a go. Getting practical experience.
Your Thinking score x your Actions score will show the Results you have been achieving to date. Are you satisfied with your end result?
It’s not too late to change the outcome of your next week……if you so desire. The choice is yours and it all starts with a change of mindset.
“We are programmed to think that our life is built on our actions…..but they are not, as our thoughts are before our actions.” Andy Shaw

The importance of having a team to leverage off…….
We create success by working with and through other people, so what does this mean……
Look at any number of successful people, for example:

‘I am only good at 5% of what I do, the other 95% is better left to other people who are better suited to completing a given task than I am.’
Mal Emery – ‘Street Smart’ money making strategies
There are two types of teams:

No.1 – Internal team – This maybe a Joint Venture partner, a family member or close associate. A property buddy or friend, or the person you can call on at any time to help and support you with your deal.
This doesn’t include the ‘knockers’ that give out ‘free’ advice from time to time. Usually those people are not good at reflecting on their own limitations, but very good at handing out free advice to others.
There is a big different between ‘free’ advice and ‘good’ advice, so keep that thought in mine.

No.2 – External team – Your external support team may come on a pay as you go bases, i.e. – a contra deal – brokers, financial planners, real estate agents, property educators, surveyors, town planners, trades people, solicitors, accountants, property meet-up group organizers, property developers, property podcasters, vendor finance experts, buyer’s agents etc.
Having their support and building upon each relationship is a vital part of your growth and success. Some services may offer ‘free’ tools (calculators – statistics etc) that supports what you are wanting to achieve, so utilize their worth where able.
Every state in Australia has its own property terminology, council codes and regulations. For example, knowing what a “splitter block” is if you live in states other than Qld or WA may draw a blank for some people.
For a ‘newbie’ starting out in property, it can be daunting when trying to understanding the jargon and terminology used i.e. DA’s, FSR, ‘raw site’ or ‘access handle’ for example. I work closely with property investors in each state of Australia who are currently doing subdivisions, renovations, multi-dwellings and/or value adding to sites. Having them on call to answer questions relevant to their state, and to seek their input and support when required is an enormous value-add that I often use when needed.
It’s been said that I’m “compassionate” and at times “confronting” and yes, I believe this to be true of me. I wouldn’t be doing my job or serving my clients if I wasn’t able to read a situation or circumstance that required compassion or confrontation, or somewhere in between.
I’ve walked a mile in the shoes of most of my clients (read Jill’s story on ‘About Jill’) and I’d never ask anyone of my clients to do anything I’ve not done before them.
All sessions are done via phone, face to face, or skype, and yes distance is never a problem with 85% of my client base living interstate or overseas.
So, what does a typical property coaching session entail?
For many client’s, finding a specific area to invest in that fits their criteria can be a hard call. There are many “free” tools and services available on the net, but knowing what to look for, and gaining access is step one of this process – then actioning their use and monetising their worth is the missing piece of the puzzle.
Having access to paid tools such as Corelogic RP Data or Pricefinder is a value-add, but not a must have!
A question I’d ask a new client in our first session could be, “What is your property strategy?” The answer in week one may be a buy-reno-sell deal. But over the following week they’ll hear of someone making good money out of a buy-knockdown-build deal they’ve just completed, so they jump onto that band wagon strategy.

‘Jumping’ from one bright shiny object (strategy) to another is time wasting, exhausting and frustrating, so with careful questioning I assist each client as they define a strategy that fits their comfort zone, expertise and experience in property and yes….the ‘jumping’ soon stops.
Identifying the wants and needs of each client from a specific investment is important i.e. a short-term chunk money or long term capital growth deal. Or….maybe it’s a long-term rental with capital growth over time, or a positively geared property from day one.
Their strategy could be to “value add” to a site within the first six month of purchasing, thus converting it from a negative to positively geared site. With each new property comes new opportunities, hence we look at possible outcomes arising from each deal.
Regardless of what a desired outcome might be, each strategy must be well defined…..and good planning is essential. Another consideration is the length of time an investment is to be held, as this must be factored into the end consideration.
I don’t give financial, accounting or legal advice as it’s not my area of expertise. That’s the job of my external team of proven professionals. I do encourage each client to build their own external team in their given areas – to call upon when needed.
Being aware of one’s comfort zone and personal boundaries when investing in property is a must. I use the ‘Personality Profiling’ tool extensively when working with a client as enormous insight is gained from their results that identifies their: strengths – weaknesses – on how they relate to other people – and how they cope under pressure – plus, any ‘learnt behavioural’ patterns they have acquired over time. This insight can be sort from a client’s profiling results.
The benefits gained from utilizing the worth of this ‘Personality Profiling’ tool reaches far beyond their own personal insight and use.
For example:
- When forming a small property group – gaining insight on each participant is vital, as each must compliment the other in skills and behavioural patterns.
- Negotiating with a strong-minded agent or vendor– by recognizing the patterns of each profile type – is a given advantage at any point.
- Looking for a money or J/V partner – you are looking for a relationship with the right person to be as good at the end of a deal, as it was when starting out.

To find out more about the worth of Personality Profiling – head to
the ‘Coaching & Products’ page or click here:

The role of a coach is to empower their clients, and to build time-lines to work on and towards. Yes, it is important to have long term goals, but for many people – they can’t achieve their short-term ones, so what’s going to be different in the ‘long term’?
This is where the property time-line comes into being….starting with a 12 month plan that is manageable and achievable. Attaining clarity around the steps required when moving forward in a deal is a must, and each step must be a perfect fit with a client’s ‘overall’ bigger picture.
Having a formulated plan to work with then becomes the footprints that form the time-line….that is visual and specific.
We often take our strengths for granted and don’t utilize them to their full worth. Instead….time is wasted focusing on our weaknesses and limitations, rather than on adopting a different mindset and way of thinking for the better.
What was is history, and we cannot change our past. But for the majority of the population – their full worth, expertise and untapped potential never comes to the surface. This is because the feelings and emotions related to past negative experiences continues to play out in their minds daily.
The role of a coach is to identify such patterns – to see them for what they are – then use them as leveraging tools to tap into one’s potential and maximise them to the fullest.

Buying a property with sound reasoning is not a 10minute exercise. There are a number of ‘must have’s’ before getting to that point:
All due diligence on a deal and it’s area must be sort.
Becoming an area expert is a must.
By utilizing any number of free tool indicators that are available on line that supports an end decision to purchase, or to walk away from the deal.
Having extra inclusions in the contract that covers every aspect of a deal is your form of insurance - to ‘pull out’ if need be, or to utilize the time between the deposit/exchange and settlement period, to get any required applications into council and happening….whilst you don’t own the site.
Having a team of experts (trades-surveyors-town planners-solicitors-accountants etc.) that can help and support your final decision.
Your feasibility is only as good as the numbers you put into it, and a fair amount of leg-work is required in attaining fees, projected sales and all expenses.
Having a 2nd person (who is into property and costings) on hand to check your feasibility is a safe guard and another form of insurance.
It’s good practice to do two feasibilities – the best-case scenario and – the worst-case scenario on a deal. You are looking for a 20%+ profit from the start to make the deal worth your while, unless you are working on a long term buy and hold site strategy.
All of these points may seem daunting for ‘newbie’s wanting to move into property investing.
Don’t be over whelmed by what has been covered here, but look at each point as a stepping stone towards your end decision to buy. With it comes a growing awareness of your own ability and worth and yes, a defining confidence within that allows you to move forward and explore the different property strategies and outcomes that await.

There is an old saying:
You may look at 100 properties before finding the one that works for you!

It’s important to value your time as hours can be spent on over-analysing or procrastinating on a site…..going no-where!
A good practise to get into is to use a quick ‘back of the envelope’ equation when finding a site. This enables you to make a quick yes/no decision as to a site being worthy of more of your time or not.
To utilize it’s worth you need to know approximate costings to build, renovate or subdivide if that is your strategy in your given area, together with anticipated relevant re-sale comparisons. All of this must equate to there being enough profit in the deal to warrant spending more of your time on it to do a full feasibility?
If it is a quick flick ‘chunk money’ deal that you are doing – you need to get in and out of the deal in the same market – so doing your homework here is essential.
Start journalizing all relevant costs or quotes that come to hand ie:
Stamp duty & conveyancing fees
Agents fees if later wanting to re-sell
Cost to paint the inside or outside of a basic 3bed house
To renovate a basic small kitchen
Council contribution fees (each state and council has their own guidelines here) if subdividing a proposed site
Surveyor’s fees etc.
List down all expenses related to your specific strategy, then start asking questions to attain estimates on costings.
Journaling all relevant costs from day one in property, sets you up to be ahead of the game when an educated decision is required on a site!
Why would a client need my services?
“We’ve invested before with poor results and don’t want to make the same mistakes again. This has rocked our confidence and we can’t seem to move past that point.”
“I’m just starting out in property investing and don’t really know what strategy works for me.”
“I’d like to buy some property via a Joint Venture deal with the current owner or an option agreement, but am lacking in confidence and know-how to follow this one through.”
“I attend a number of property meet-up groups in my area, but don’t feel confident when meeting new people, let alone starting up or breaking into a conversation.”
“We want to do a one into two subdivision but don’t know how to go about it?”
Regardless of what you are wanting to achieve from property, the key to your success lay in…..‘the belief that you can achieve whatever you set your mind too.’
Your follow through is to work on your game plan, to set up good time management skills, to bring in your support team to assist your growth, to know the value of delegating, and the big one is, to keep your mindset topped up with positive thinking, clarity and direction.
We service our car on a regular bases….
and keeping our ‘mindset’ set at peak performance needs that same care and attention given to it!

‘I can’t afford it and your brain stops working’
‘How can I afford it and your brain is put to work’
Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad Poor Dad
When Matt started coaching with me back in 2007, he was working on his first buy-renovate-sell deal.
To borrow and finance the deal he needed a job and one that would allow him time to work on his reno. His days started as a ‘postie,’ then moved into renovator mode in the afternoons and evenings, completing 95% of the reno himself.
Matt’s days were long and exhausting to say the least. Pushing time boundaries to get his renovated house back on the market, and make some good ‘chunk money’ asap, was the order of each day.
His passion was certainly property developing, but putting in the excessive hours and being so hands on, certainly wasn’t the answer.
In one of our early coaching sessions I mentioned the possibility of moving from his ‘buy – renovate – sell ‘strategy into a ‘buy – subdivide -renovate the exiting tired house – create a 2nd block – sell both sites’ type of deals.
……and the rest is history as Subdivisions became Matt’s new ‘best friend.’
Matt’s never looked back from the day he decided to give Subdivisions a go….and over time much has evolved from our regular coaching sessions as he established:
An online Property Resource Shop
A property Membership Site
His Brisbane Property Networking Group meetings have grown from 6 attendees to around the 150 -180 people each month
Plus, meetup’s in the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas
Added to all of this, Matt has used his knowledge and expertise in property investing and developing to help and support other up and coming property investors, by creating a number of ‘DIY Kits’ on:
1. Renovations
2. Subdivisions
3. Development
4. Joint Venturing and Money Partnering

Matt and I have also launched our DIY 10xWeekly Webinar program on Subdivisions. We wanted to create a product that provided a similar level of ‘hand holding’ as our coaching sessions did.

The secret to a successful subdivision is in knowing the process, then to be just one step ahead at each point of the process. The knowing ‘HOW’ is the hard part, so Matt and I have put together a ‘FREE’ Webinar that sets out each of these important steps, plus lots more.
Before heading to the ‘FREE Subdivision Webinar’ – grab a pen and paper as lots of hints and tips are awaiting your arrival
What our customers say
As a property investor, Jill’s number one focus from our very first coaching session was on clarity, strategies and outcomes. Her ability to discuss three property deals that I was stuck on, together with the road blocks I was facing with each of them quickly took on a different look.
Her property insight was invaluable as we brainstormed different possibilities and outcomes to be explored, together with the follow through required on each site.
With my property timelines in place and my follow through evolving, we soon moved to fortnightly sessions.
Three plus years on and our mentoring continues. Jill keeps me accountable whilst still providing support, focus and direction. She keeps me motivated and open to new opportunities that are presented to me daily in property.
Thanks Jill.
David HallA thousand thank you’s Jill.
I would never have asked that Agent if I could join her for a couple of day’s trial if it wasn’t for you!!!!!!!!!!!
I would still be thinking about it!
Helen RossI have always known what I wanted out of life, but was always too fearful to really go for it. When I finally made the decision to ‘go all in’ despite the fear, I knew that I was going to need a mentor in my corner to keep me accountable, on track and challenge me to consistently venture outside my comfort zone – this is where Jill came in. Jill has offered me all this plus much more.
Every time I am faced with a property challenge or problem that I haven’t yet solved, Jill is there to offer another perspective and solution.
Every time fear and doubt creeps back in to my mindset, Jill is there to restore my focus and confidence.
Specifically, from a Property Development stand point Jill has assisted me in so many ways. From helping me write property ‘prospecting letters’ resulting in many more deals coming across my desk, to helping me creatively structure specific deals that result in a win-win situation for all. Jill’s wealth of property development experience has proved priceless.
Above all, the most important aspect of working with Jill is that she believes in me. That to me, is what matters the most.”
Richard HodgesShould you wish to know more about Jill’s Property Coaching Packages, then head to the ‘Coaching & Products’ page or click on below
Enjoy your property journey as you explore the many opportunities awaiting you……and yes, the journey is just as good as the rewards at the end.
Warm regards
Jill McIntyre
Life, Business & Property Coach